What animal species are threatened? Why? What can we do to protect these endangered species? Joaquín Morante , biologist and ranger of the association  FAPAS  (Fund for the protection of wild animals) will teach us all these questions.

Duration:  2 hours (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Place:  Manzanares Environmental Center.
Free activity with prior reservation.
The  Fund for the Protection of Wild Animals (FAPAS)  is a non-profit NGO with a national scope of action registered in the National Registry of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior with number 50,543
FAPAS arose in 1982 when a group of friends began to carry out a series of activities to protect the small population of vultures that survived in the Picos de Europa, they were about to be exterminated due to the use of poison in the mountains and other circumstances. It was then that this group of friends went to work collecting dead animals from the villages to transport them to the mountains so that the vultures had enough food.
That work involved a great financial effort for those who started it and asked for help through magazines such as Quercus and Natura to other people in Spain who wanted to collaborate. The response was such that in just one week, two thousand friends from all over Spain responded to our request and thus, without trying, suddenly FAPAS was born as an association.
FAPAS, in addition to continuing to be a group of friends, we have become an organization that has developed and still carries out numerous activities related to nature conservation. Diciembre- divulgacion.html